Volunteer with Maya!
We are looking for talented, enthusiastic, and forward-thinking individuals to join our team.
Volunteers have a large impact on running the day-to-day operations in our schools. We match your interests with the schools’ needs. Volunteers participate in teaching, construction work, agriculture, and administration.

Volunteer teachers are expected to commit a minimum of two months at one of the locations. We give priority to those with teaching experience. Design and conduct your classes according to our curriculum. Teachers are expected to share and report back progress and challenges to the team.

Maya has its own organic vegetable and fruit farms. Work includes ploughing, sewing, watering and maintaining, and harvesting. You may also assist in feeding chickens, pigs, and goats. No experience is required. Knowledge in farming and permaculture is a bonus!

We are constantly improving our facilities and making space for new students. Construction work is led by locals where you will assist in digging, breaking stones, carrying materials. No experience required but its an added benefit!

Administrative duties can include data entry, improving systems, typing reports and examination papers. Long-term volunteers are encouraged to be proactive in recommending roles they can manage such as volunteer house coordinator, kitchen duty leader.
Volunteer Process
Please send your CV along with your expected start and end dates, specifying the program you are interested in, to mayauniverseacademynepal@gmail.com or via WhatsApp at +9779827174908.
- Must be 18 years or older (we do accommodate groups younger than 18, send your request by email)
- Minimum stay of one week (7 days) – for short visits please email us.
- A Maya representative will get in touch with you with more information
Connect with past volunteers
Kripa Dongol | Nepal | dongolkripa@gmail.com |
Alexandre Thieffry | France | alexandre.thieffry@orange.fr |
Matisse Lawlor | USA | matisse124@gmail.com |
Jessica Elvins | UK | jessicaannelvins@gmail.com |
Ruben Moreno | Spain | rubenmorenoescobar@gmail.com |
Ebba Wilhelmsson | Sweden | wilhelmsson.ebba@gmail.com |
Luis Mario Alvares | Costa Rica | alvar66293@gapps.uwcsea.edu.sg |
Isabel Lavodna Alaya | Ecuador | msandovalayala@gmail.com |
Shoval Eidan | Israel | shovaleidan17@gmail.com |
Daniel Matheson | New Zealand | dan_matheson168@yahoo.co.nz |
Sasha Kockzanovski | Singapore | kocza15220@gapps.uwcsea.edu.sg |
Verity Lees | Australia | lees15494@gapps.uwcsea.edu.sg |
Miso Ju | South Korea | misoju.kr@gmail.com |
Clara Banken | Germany | clara.banken@gmx.de |
Meike Schoones | Netherlands | meike@mua-nl.org |
Munez Thit | Myanmar | thit48760@gapps.uwcsea.edu.sg |
Anna Maria Kecskes | Hungary | ke.annamaria@gmail.com |
Mariana Belo | Portugal | mbpalhava@gmail.com |
Paula Sarmiento | Colombia | past29.past@gmail.com |
Alessandro Masciadri | Italy | alessandro.masciadri92@gmail.com |
Hannah Cremona | Malta | hannahcremona@gmail.com |
Lulia Bautdinova | Russia | jbautdinova@gmail.com |
Jasmin Beck | Liechtenstein | beck0jasmin@gmail.com |